Wednesday, February 4, 2009

END OF AN ERROR, January 20 2009

George W. Bush, citizen, leaves the White House for Texas.

The White House on Inaguration Day 2009

Barbara Marie Akers Miller has a smile and a heart that can't be beat. We've been married since 1961, the year our Prez was born! It was a very cold day but this change warmed all of us. PURPLE GATE was our entry point.

Marchal Sisters from France

I stopped the Obamalac because of the crowd on Michigan Avenue and they joined in the ride for a celebration of a lifetime, election night 2008!

April Friendly and Friends

April Friendly was indeed friendly to the world, creating memories this election eve. Everyone was happy, nice, and hopeful and she was a comet in the crowd!

Thierry Marchal from France

Thierry brought his family to Chicago to share in the exciting election evening with Barack Obama. I know I had a great time and I'm sure they did too based on his email below. It was a perfect night. Since the election fully one-third of the hits to this blog have been from France and their former colonies.

Hi Rich,

This is Thierry, the french guy who joined you with Meggie, Julia & Candice on Michigan Avenue on Nov the 4th for the "great day".
We will always keep a great souvenir of this day and especially of that cruise into the "Obamalac" across the streets of Chicago. We would like to really thank you for having make this moment possible and for your kindness. The girls have realized how lucky they were to be in your car a such historical day and I am sure they will always remember you and this day. The weather, the people, the happyness, everything has contributed to make this day a special day.

I also want to say how proud the entire world is for what the people of America have done on that election. We are sure that your choice and your wisdom will bring you some better days.

We cordially thank you again and hope to see you again,

God bless America and his people,
