Monday, November 12, 2007

Daddy Dean

Daddy Dean Robb was the senior member of the team at the rally, as he is 83 years young! He was here supporting his son, a twenty-something Obama supporter.

Everywhere Emmett

Emmett was one of the people assigned to get things done everywhere. A fine young gentleman!

Dynamic Duo

These two are "Fired Up" and Ready to Go!" Obama loves to yell out, "Are you fired up?" and the crowd responds with, "Ready to go!"

Energizer Bunny in the Obamalac

This young lady scooted around helping get things accomplished all day long but stopped long enough for this picture.

Family and Friend

Mother, daughter, and friend join in the effort to support their candidate. Hard workers shared fun and time building some memories for life.

Volunteers Working for Obama Pre & Post JJ Dinner

These young Americans were working hard Friday getting things up and ready for the Rally Saturday afternoon. When I left the hall following the JJ Dinner and speeches it was after midnight and they were still working hard just starting to close things down!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Barack Rocks the House!

On his way to give the closing speech at the biggest JJ Dinner ever! His was by far the best speech. I kept a "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN" sign. He's not a candidate because it's his "TURN" or because he wants to be Secretary of State or something, he's a candidate because we the people asked him to be!!! This country needs him.

Michelle Obama Speaks to the Supporters

She is standing with one of the two main groups of supporters for a photo op. She gave a sincere and meaningful speech in support of her husband. She said (paraphrase) to one that has been given much is expected much. With THIS woman in the White House you can bet Monica wont ever return!!!

Jefferson/Jackson Dinner- Des Moines, Iowa

Tex (David B. Gail) is a member of the Obama for President Finance Committee. The Obamalc was parked near the press platform inside the HYVEE Hall. Obama staff and supporters gathered here Friday and Saturday preparing for the the critically important JJ Dinner. In Iowa this is where the election activities become intense. Check column by Iowa's top political writer (David Yepsen) in the Des Moines Register; Obama Makes Hay at JJ. I always like to check the perspective of an outsider so I read through papers like the UK's THE INDEPENDENT. Read the Leonard Doyle story; Obama starts to punch his weight, leaving Hillary on the defensive.