It's not going to be an easy ride but the trip will make him a better man in the long run. He isn't riding for himself-he is riding for all of us!!!!! RIDE ON. PLEASE NOTE: The transmission is being rebuilt and they have had problems getting parts. I had planned to go to PA and still hope to get to Indiana and Kentucky in support of Sen Obama.
The purpose of this site is for anything related to Barack Obama and the Obamalac. Check out Michelle in the Obamalac Sep 30, 2007 entry, the now Press Secretary Bob Gibbs 4 Jan 2007 (and he is in the background to the right in a white shirt near Obama in the header pic), Obama meeting the Marine (convention speech) Dec 31 2007 (and Aug 18 2008) etc.
If you take a picture of the Obamalac and want me to post it on the blog, just email me at and I will get it on.